Unlike a general place for web sites like WordPress.com or Blogger, we at the Open EdTech Collaborative share something in common with each other. That’s what makes this place different.
Your web site exists here because it is part of a cooperative community of BC post-secondary educators and learners. Think about your place here as having neighbors. We ask here that you peek over the fence once in a while, and share with the community other OpenETC sites that pique your interest.
It is one way that you can fulfill your role as a member in this co-op by contributing back. If a site inspires you, than very likely it will inspire others.
How do you find an inspiring site?
As of now, the main pages of the main Open ETC site feature in the sidebar a list of 20 recently active sites. Look for one that grabs your attention:

Look for other sites on the sidebar of the main openETC site
Maybe you are a student in a class that is using OpenETC web sites for projects or portfolios. Look at the ones your peers are creating.
Or join the Open ETC Mattermost community and look for the sites that people share in that space.
Expect a few more ways to discover sites soon!
The Inspiration for Inspire
The idea and name for this comes from a project in the DS106 open digital storytelling course/community. Two students proposed an idea they named inSPIRE as a place to honor and share the work of other participants.

The original ds106 inSPIRE https://inspire.ds106.us/
The in[SPIRE] site description states an intent similar to ours:
A key part of the ds106 community is the connections between all of the pioneers. We have knitted together an intimate community that is not only participating in its structure but also creating it. The in[SPIRE] project wants to build a narrative of these connections in an ever-growing diagram. Be a part of the project and submit works that have inspired you and watch the diagram grow!
Are you inspired by an OpenETC website ? Share it now.
Featured Image: Unsplash image by Ave Calvar modified by placing the openETC chicken logo behind the phone.